“Having access to a good supply of nutritious food is a human right. It doesn’t matter where you are. As a developed, prosperous city, we should all be working to change the food insecurity in our region.It’s something the Foundation works toward every day.” – Give Where You Live Foundation CEO, Bill Mithen
Unfortunately, demand is only increasing and that need is not being completely met.
This year the Give Where You Live Foundation have only been able to fill 65% of local requests for food vouchers.
How your donations are helping
So far this year, the Foundation has funded the distribution of over 2000 Community Choice vouchers, valued at over $39,000. These vouchers have supported roughly 2,000 adults, 350 young people and 1200 children who may have otherwise gone without food.
Community Choice is the Give Where You Live Foundation’s food and pharmacy voucher program. Established after the fall of Pyramid Building Society in the 1990’s the voucher program was re-imagined in 2021 to connect the hospitality industry and food relief sector and provide more accessible food relief options.
Recently, the Foundation granted $514,234 to 22 local organisations through their Survive & Thrive Grants. It is estimated these grants will provide over 120,000 meals and support over 48,940 people experiencing food insecurity across our region.
Despite this support, many of our community partners are still struggling to meet the increased demand for their services.
“As far as normal moments in time go (without Covid), it’s an extremely high demand at the moment.”
Bill said those on lower incomes are bearing the brunt of the cost-of-living increases, although it is an “across the board” issue.
“Our community needs support, and it needs it now. We are trying to provide as much assistance as we can, but we can’t do that without support from our community,” said Bill.
How can you help?
Our region is fortunate to have a wide network of agencies offering a range of food relief, including groceries, pre-cooked meals, community meals, and culturally appropriate meals.
It is our supporters who enable us to meet the needs of families, children and young people in our community who need it most today.
All donations made in the End of Financial Year Appeal will stay within the G21 region and will go toward addressing the needs of the community right now.
This End of Financial Year can you dig deep to support your community and help promote food security in our region?