Through the Give Where You Live Foundation’s latest grant funding Christ Church received $7200 for their community meals program to ensure they can offer people at least two pieces of fresh fruit with their meal.
Christ Church Community Meals Coordinator Jan McGowan said the latest grant will help ensure they can continue providing healthy and nutritious food choices to the increasing number of people accessing their service. “Fresh fruit is a fundamental requirement in any healthy diet. We are incredibly grateful for the funding from the Give Where You Live Foundation which is helping to ensure that everyone in our community has access to healthy food options.”
“This grant comes at a critical time as the number of people seeking food relief through our Community Meals Program continues to increase. This grant is not just making a difference; its making it possible,” Jan said.
The difference your donation could make?
A donation to the Give Where You Live Foundation’s Feed Geelong Appeal will help organisations like Christ Church provide healthy and nutritious meals.
$20 will help provide fresh fruit.
$25 will provide 1 Community Choice emergency relief voucher providing $180 worth of value.
$100 will help provide 4 Community Choice vouchers for people who may otherwise go without food.
You can help #FeedGeelong by making a donation today DONATE TODAY!