Local Giving Local Impact with the Give Geelong Appeal

The Give Where You Live Foundation is encouraging the community to dig deep and support the Give Geelong Appeal, from 14 – 21 March 2025.

Raising important funds to assist those who are experiencing homelessness, help those struggling to put food on the table and support people facing long term unemployment, the Give Geelong Appeal will assist the Give Where You Live Foundation to support the Geelong community.

Give Where You Live Foundation CEO, Zac Lewis said in the face of the increased cost of living, together we can make a difference to those who need it most in our community.

“As the cost of living continues to rise, we’re seeing that the need in our community is also increasing. The Foundation’s latest Food For Thought Research Report showed that 90% of Geelong food relief agencies had experience survey demand growth.”

“Additionally, national data shows that residents in our region experienced significantly higher levels of food insecurity compared to the Victorian average. Supporting the Give Geelong Appeal will support the Foundation’s work to create a fairer community for those that need it most here in Geelong,” Zac Lewis said.

“The Give Geelong Appeal is a chance for the people of Geelong to come together and help raise funds for our community. It represents an opportunity to actually give where you live. Money raised from the Give Geelong Appeal will help the Foundation to create a fairer, more equitable Geelong community.”

Two generous local businesses are getting behind this year’s Give Geelong Appeal as matched giving partners, Auswide Plumbing & Civil and Hanlon Industries. During the Appeal thanks to these matched giving partners, every dollar donated will be DOUBLED up to $15,000, to further help create a fairer Geelong community.

“Your donation to the Give Geelong Appeal will have a local impact. It will support people in our community facing long-term unemployment, help people facing homelessness and support families struggling to put food on the table,” Zac Lewis said

There are three ways the community can get involved and support the Give Geelong Appeal:

  • Footy Gear Friday on Friday 14 March. We’re encouraging Geelong to kick goals for our community by wearing your footy gear and donating to the Give Where You Live Foundation. Workplaces, sports clubs, friendship groups and schools are all encouraged to participate.
  • Give Geelong Breakfast on Friday 21 March. 7am – 9am in the President’s Room at GMHBA Stadium. Tickets available from www.givewhereyoulive.com.au/events Hear from guest speakers Dr Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn, neurodivergence advocate author and foster parent, Sarah Hayden, with MC, musical theatre star, Amy Lehpamer.
  • Make a donation to the Give Geelong Appealgivewhereyoulive.com.au


To make a donation or get involved in the appeal activities, visit https://give-geelong-appeal-2025.raiselysite.com/